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Investment Data Enhancement

Get enhanced investment holdings data and actionable insights into users' portfolios

With Investment Data Enhancement, connect to an end user's financial institution and retrieve cleansed and enhanced investment data. By combining investment data with retail banking information, you get comprehensive insights into customer financial behaviors, risk tolerance, and investment strategies.


There are two APIs used for Investment Data Enhancement:

  1. Investment Data Enhancement API (billable): The main API you will use to access aggregated holdings.
  2. Deactivate Investment Data Enhancement API (non-billable): A secondary API that allows you to deactivate service for a specific user. It does not cost extra to use this API. To reactivate a user, use any of the current /investment_holding endpoints.

Setting Up

Accept Header

Holdings and Accounts API Accept Header: Use application/

Environment URLs

  1. Int (Developmental):
  2. Production URL:

API Holding Endpoints

MX uses separate base URLs for development and production environments. Use the following endpoints for the holdings API with the correct acceptance header.

NameEndpoint PathDescription
Read Holding/users/{user_guid}/investment_holdings/{holding_guid}Provides details on the particular holding
List Holdings by User/users/{user_guid}/investment_holdingsLists all holdings associated with the user, across all accounts
List Holdings by Account/users/{user_guid}/accounts/{account_guid}/investment_holdingsLists all holdings associated with the user, for the particular account defined
List Holdings by Member/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/investment_holdingsList all holdings associated with the user, for the particular member defined

Sample Data

Here are some examples of the payload in JSON format. These examples showcase the requests and responses for specific endpoints related to Accounts and Holdings.

Holdings Sample Data:

Below is a example payload for a Holding endpoint.


$ curl -L -X GET '{user_guid}/investment_holdings/{holding_guid}' \
-H 'Accept: application/' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic BASE_64_ENCODING_OF{client_id:api_key}'

Accounts Sample Data

For account information on the holdings, please refer to the Account Endpoints page.