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Account Aggregation

Get account and transaction data by connecting end users' financial accounts

With Account Aggregation, connect to an end user's financial institution and retrieve 90 days of data for their accounts and transactions. Use this data for any number of solutions such as personal financial management or risk analysis. Data is available for accounts ranging from checking and savings to mortgages and credit cards — and everything in between. We cleanse this data to make it understandable to end users and we automatically put it into more than 100 predefined categories. We also add enhanced information such as which merchant was involved in a transaction and whether it represents a direct deposit, bill pay, or subscription.

Diagram flow of the steps to get account aggregation data

Account Sample Data

This sample response shows the data you can expect to get for financial accounts.

"accounts": [
"account_number": "5366",
"apr": 1.0,
"apy": 1.0,
"available_balance": 1000.0,
"available_credit": 1000.0,
"balance": 1000.0,
"cash_balance": 1000.0,
"cash_surrender_value": 1000.0,
"created_at": "2016-10-13T17:57:37.000Z",
"credit_limit": 100.0,
"currency_code": "USD",
"day_payment_is_due": 20,
"death_benefit": 1000,
"guid": "ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1",
"holdings_value": 1000.0,
"id": "1040434698",
"imported_at": "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z",
"institution_code": "chase",
"insured_name": "Frodo Baggins",
"interest_rate": 1.0,
"is_closed": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"last_payment": 100.0,
"last_payment_at": "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z",
"loan_amount": 1000.0,
"matures_on": "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z",
"member_guid": "MBR-3bdc7d6b-efd4-1497-a0af-b23501cf9bd0",
"member_id": "member-9876",
"member_is_managed_by_user": false,
"metadata": "some metadata",
"minimum_balance": 100.0,
"minimum_payment": 10.0,
"name": "Test account 2",
"nickname": "My Checking",
"original_balance": 10.0,
"pay_out_amount": 10.0,
"payment_due_at": "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z",
"payoff_balance": 10.0,
"premium_amount": 1.0,
"routing_number": "68899990000000",
"started_on": "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z",
"subtype": "NONE",
"total_account_value": 1.0,
"type": "SAVINGS",
"updated_at": "2016-10-13T18:08:00.000Z",
"user_guid": "USR-11141024-90b3-1bce-cac9-c06ced52ab4c",
"user_id": "partner-2345"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"per_page": 25,
"total_entries": 1,
"total_pages": 1

Transaction Sample Data

This sample response shows the data you can expect to get for transactions.

"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"per_page": 10,
"total_entries": 243,
"total_pages": 25
"transactions": [
"account_guid": "ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1",
"account_id": "account123",
"amount": 61.11,
"category": "Groceries",
"category_guid": "CAT-9588eaad-90a4-bb5c-66c8-1812503d0db8",
"check_number_string": "6812",
"created_at": "2016-10-06T09:43:42.000Z",
"currency_code": "USD",
"date": "2013-09-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"description": "Whole foods",
"extended_transaction_type": "partner_transaction_type",
"guid": "TRN-265abee9-889b-af6a-c69b-25157db2bdd9",
"id": "transaction-265abee9-889b-af6a-c69b-25157db2bdd9",
"is_bill_pay": false,
"is_direct_deposit": false,
"is_expense": true,
"is_fee": false,
"is_income": false,
"is_international": false,
"is_overdraft_fee": false,
"is_payroll_advance": false,
"is_recurring": false,
"is_subscription": false,
"latitude": -43.2075,
"localized_description": "This is a localized_description",
"localized_memo": "This is a localized_memo",
"longitude": 139.691706,
"member_guid": "MBR-3bdc7d6b-efd4-1497-a0af-b23501cf9bd0",
"member_is_managed_by_user": false,
"memo": "This is a memo",
"merchant_category_code": 5411,
"merchant_guid": "MCH-7ed79542-884d-2b1b-dd74-501c5cc9d25b",
"merchant_location_guid": "MCL-00024e59-18b5-4d79-b879-2a7896726fea",
"metadata": "some metadata",
"original_description": "WHOLEFDS TSQ 102",
"posted_at": "2016-10-07T06:00:00.000Z",
"status": "POSTED",
"top_level_category": "Food & Dining",
"transacted_at": "2016-10-06T13:00:00.000Z",
"type": "DEBIT",
"updated_at": "2016-10-07T05:49:12.000Z",
"user_guid": "USR-11141024-90b3-1bce-cac9-c06ced52ab4c",
"user_id": "partner-2345"
// •••