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Introduction to Atrium

The MX Atrium API supports over 48,000 data connections to thousands of financial institutions. It provides secure access to your users' accounts and transactions with industry-leading cleansing, categorization, and classification.

Atrium is designed according to resource-oriented REST architecture and responds with JSON bodies and HTTP response codes.

Use Atrium's development environment,, to quickly get up and running. The development environment limits are 100 users and access to the top 15 institutions.

Getting Started

To get started right away with some of the most common tasks and frequently used features of Atrium, you can check out our detailed developer guide.

Our developer guide also explains our test endpoints and test credentials to help you get off the ground as soon as possible.

We've also provided wrapper libraries in several languages. Visit the appropriate GitHub page below.








Aggregation and Data Availability

Aggregation is how Atrium is able to gather financial data from multiple sources and then deliver it to you. It is the core feature of the Atrium API.

MX automatically aggregates certain members in the background every 24 hours. Specifically, we aggregate all members whose connection_status is either CONNECTED, CREATED, IMPEDED, or UPDATED — unless the member has been disabled.

You may aggregate a member via the aggregate member endpoint to get the most up-to-date information on accounts and transactions. When you aggregate a member with this endpoint, MX will not initiate a background aggregation within the next 20-hour period.

Aggregation Limits

The default minimum time between aggregation events is 10,800 seconds (3 hours), though this limit can vary by institution. Aggregating within this limit will not return an error, however; the response will simply contain the current state of the member, including the latest connection_status. Certain codepaths may also bypass this limit — for instance, updating a member's credentials.

The MX Bank test institution has no aggregation limits.

Data Availability

Be aware that aggregation is not guaranteed to return all relevant information or even every data point on a given resource. For instance, aggregation may return the balance of an account, but return a null value for the apr and day_payment_is_due fields. This is to be expected in all resources and all aggregations.

API Architecture and Resource Structure

Atrium is designed around the REST architecture and uses predictable, resource-oriented URLs. Requests are made with HTTP methods and HTTP response codes indicate the success or failure of those requests.

Atrium has five broad groups of resources, each with their own attributes and endpoints:

userA user represents a person using Atrium via your application, be it a mobile app, web app, desktop app, etc.
institutionAn institution represents a financial institution like Chase or Wells Fargo. It's important to point out that many real-world financial institutions will actually have several different institution objects within Atrium. This is because, for example, the mortgage division of Wells Fargo might use a separate system than its everyday banking division, which is different from its credit card division, etc.
memberA member represents the relationship between a user and an institution, and creating one is how you connect a user to an institution. A user may have one member each for their bank, their mortgage broker, their credit card provider, etc. Aggregation takes place via members.
accountAn account represents a financial account held by a financial institution, e.g., a user's checking or savings account. Because a user's relationship with an institution may involve more than one account, a member may have more than one account associated with it. For instance, a user may have both a checking and savings account with Chase. In that case, the user would have a member that represents their connection with the Chase institution. That member would have two accounts, a checking account and a savings account.
transactionA transaction represents any instance in which money moves into or out of an account. This could be a purchase at a business, a payroll deposit, a transfer from one account to another, an ATM withdrawal, etc. Each transaction belongs to only one account.

Authentication and Security

Atrium API requests must be HTTPS with encryption TLSv1.2 or higher or else they will fail.

All requests are authenticated with tokens in request headers: MX-API-Key and MX-Client-ID. The production and development environments require separate tokens. Development tokens are granted automatically during the signup process; These can be found on your profile page.

Because these tokens grant access to all of your data, you must keep them secret and keep them safe. Do not share them in public areas, use them in client-side code, or otherwise use them in a way that may compromise their security. In some instances, requests that require authentication will return 404 Not Found, instead of 401 Unauthorized. This is to prevent leaking private information.

Base URL

Production Environment


Development Environment



Certain Atrium resources are subject to change at any time; for instance, institutions and institution credentials. For this reason, MX discourages partners from caching lists of resources. If caching is necessary, MX recommends refreshing a cached list at least daily.

Character Encoding

Requests to Atrium must use characters encoded with the UTF-8 standard.

Data Encoding

MX Technologies is committed to providing high-quality data to accommodate a wide range of scenarios. Due to the financial nature of our data, sometimes special characters such as ', <, >, ", and = will be found in string fields. For example, an account might be identified as Mortgage Loan <= 15 Years. We strongly recommend that clients sanitize and/or encode the output of our API, such as HTML encoding prior to rendering in a web view.

Data Format

JSON structured data is returned in all responses, including some errors.

Dates and Times

Dates and times are always given in ISO 8601 format.

Fields which end in _on are given without a timestamp: 2018-07-18

Fields which end in _at are given with a timestamp: 2015-04-13T12:01:23-06:00.


Atrium uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request, with supplementary error messaging as needed within response bodies.


"error": {
"message": "Unrecognized institution.",

Status CodeExplanation
2xx Success
200 OKEverything worked as expected with content returned.
202 Accepted
  1. Everything worked and MX's system is processing the request.
  2. When attempting a job on a member, a job of the same type is already running; e.g., calling aggregate member while a standard agg is still running, or calling verify member while a previous verification is still running.
  3. A standard aggregation has been attempted within the default minimum time between standard aggs.
204 No ContentEverything worked as expected without content returned.
4xx Requester error
400 Bad Request
  1. A required parameter was missing.
  2. A premium aggregation-type job was requested, but the institution associated with the member does not support it.
401 UnauthorizedInvalid MX-API-Key or MX-Client-ID provided.
403 ForbiddenThe request was made from a non-whitelisted address or the feature is not available to the client.
404 Not FoundInvalid item/id/URL requested.
405 Method Not AllowedA constraint on the requested endpoint wasn't met.
406 Not AcceptableThe request didn't specify a valid API version.
409 Conflict1. An object with the given attributes already exists.

2. When attempting an aggregation on a member, the member already has an an aggregation of a different type running; e.g., calling the verify endpoint while a standard aggregation is already running, or calling fetch statements while an identification aggregation is already running.
422 Unprocessable EntityThe data provided cannot be processed.
5xx Responder error — which are rare
500, 502, 504 Server errorsSomething went wrong with MX's servers.
503 Service UnavailableThe MX Platform is being updated.

Identifiers and Metadata

Atrium gives you two special — but optional — fields which you can define for any resource created with the API: identifier and metadata. These fields make it easier to customize and integrate Atrium with your systems.

For instance, you may need to make certain that some resources are created only once. In these situations, you can give an unique identifier to resources created with Atrium. Atrium will return a 409 Conflict error if a resource is created with an identifier that already exists.

You might also use the metadata field to store custom data about a resource. For example, you could store a user's username for your system, their sign-up date, the date and time of their last logon in your system, or all of these.

identifierA unique, enforced identifier for a user or member, defined by you. An identifier may contain letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores — but they should not be longer than 200 characters. MX recommends using GUIDs. Atrium will return a 409 Conflict error if a resource is created with an identifier that already exists.
metadataThis field that can be used to store additional information about a particular user or member. Any UTF-8 string can be stored, but MX recommends using structured key-value data such as JSON.

Example metadata Request

$ curl -i -X POST '' \
-H 'Accept: application/' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'MX-API-Key: {mx_api_key}' \
-H 'MX-Client-ID: {mx_client_id}' \
-d '{
"user": {
"metadata": "{\"username\":\"steven\"}"

Example identifier Request

$ curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Accept: application/' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'MX-API-Key: {mx_api_key}' \
-H 'MX-Client-ID: {mx_client_id}' \
-d '{
"user": {
"identifier": "5935d8ef-20c0-4bc1-997c-b2cccf4d601d"

Example of an identifier Conflict Response

Status: 409 Conflict

"error": {
"message": "A user already exists with identifier: '5935d8ef-20c0-4bc1-997c-b2cccf4d601d'."

IP Address Whitelisting

All IP addresses which will make calls to Atrium's production environment must be whitelisted first. A 403 Forbidden error will be returned for non-whitelisted addresses. The vestibule environment does not require any whitelisting.

You can whitelist IP addresses on your account profile.


User and member limits

The development environment limits developers to 100 users and access to the top 15 institutions.

No user may have more than 25 members in either the development or production environments.

Aggregation throttling

Standard aggregation jobs are throttled, and a new standard agg can only be started after the throttle period has elapsed. The default throttle period is three hours (10,800 seconds), though this limit can vary from one institution to another.

However, premium agg-type jobs won't start the throttle period (extended history, identification, verification, statements, balance check). In other words, running a standard agg will always start the throttle period and prevent a new standard agg. Running any other type of job will not start the throttle period.

Premium aggregation-type jobs are never throttled. That is, you can run an account verification right after a standard agg (or balance request, or verification etc.). However, because standard aggs are throttled, you should generally use the include_transactions parameter on premium jobs if standard data is also required; this will prevent delays.

Throttled jobs will not return an error; the response will return with 202 Accepted and will contain the current state of the member, including the latest connection_status.

Jobs for members that have experienced credential-related errors won't be throttled (connection_status: REJECTED, PREVENTED, UPDATED).

Balance jobs are limited to 5 requests every 2 hours.

There is no throttling of any kind when using the MX Bank test institution.

Numbers and Number Formats

Number limits are described by their precision and scale. Precision refers to the total number of digits. Scale refers to the number of digits to the right of the decimal. For example, 538.46's precision,scale is 5,2.

Percentages are in decimal format without the percentage sign. For example, 2.99% is written 2.99.


All endpoints which return lists are paginated. These endpoints also support two query parameters which specify the number of records per page and the page to be returned.

Each response will include a pagination object specifying information on the total number of entries and the current page.

Example Pagination object

"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"per_page": 25,
"total_entries": 2,
"total_pages": 1

Query parameters

pageThis specifies the page to be returned. Defaults to 1.
records_per_pageThis specifies the number of records to be returned on each page. Defaults to 25. The valid range is from 10 to 100.

Pagination fields

current_pageThe page delivered by the current response.
per_pageThe number of records delivered with each page.
total_entriesThe total number of records available.
total_pagesThe total number of pages available.


The developer guide explains how to test your setup using our test endpoints and test credentials.


We always try to make API changes backwards-compatible. However, when we make breaking changes to Atrium, we'll increment the version number. The current version is v1. Versions are specified in a request's Accept header. All requests will access the current version unless a different version is specified with the request, so it's best to always specify the API version. The current Accept header is application/

Deleting Objects

Deletes Cascade

When deleting an object on the MX platform, all objects belonging to that object are also deleted in a cascading fashion. For example, deleting a member deletes not just the member, but all associated accounts, transactions, holdings, etc. Deleting a user also deletes all members associated with it, and so on.

Soft Deletes and Purges

Deleted objects are "soft-deleted" first and later purged. The timeframe for purging objects is roughly two weeks, with the exact time depending on technical factors.

A soft-deleted object cannot be explicitly restored via API, but MX may restore a soft-deleted member in some cases.

Purged objects can never be restored.

Restoring Soft-Deleted Members

When a member (either OAuth or Non-OAuth) is deleted, it goes into a soft-deleted state. If a new member is created for the same user, on the same institution, and utilizing the same credentials, the soft-deleted member is purged, and the new member is created.

Once a member has been fully purged, it cannot be restored. To restore a soft-deleted member, a client must contact support prior to it being purged.

When a PENDING OAuth member is deleted by MX, it’s immediately purged and cannot be restored. When an OAuth member in any other state is deleted, it will be soft-deleted and can be restored.