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Testing the Platform API

We provide several tools to help you test our API. From our OpenAPI specification to our test institution referred to as MX Bank, you can make requests to our API to learn more about integrating your application with our connectivity solutions.

Using our API with Postman

Use Postman to learn more about our API and its request and response payloads. If you haven't already, we encourage you to download Postman. If you need more information on how to use Postman, visit their Learning Center.

We currently host an OpenAPI Specification that can be imported as a Postman collection. You can visit our spec on our GitHub or import it directly using the following link.


When using our OpenAPI specification in Postman you'll need your api_key and client_id from the Client Dashboard. This can be used with Basic Authentication where your client_id is the username and your api_key is the password.


Our OpenAPI specification currently uses tags to gather common requests together. When you import the specification as a collection, we encourage you to set the folder organization to "Tags" for the best experience.

Testing with MX Bank

MX provides a test institution called mxbank. Use it to test different scenarios related to connecting end user's accounts while using safe and secure credentials. Connecting to this institution generates test data for accounts and transactions.

Depending on the credentials you use which are outlined below, the connection can either complete successfully or prompt a multi-factor authentication challenge. You can test a failed connection to learn more about invalid responses. Each test credential describes the error that you'll experience by the MX system and what connection status is returned as a result. Use the update member endpoint to set the appropriate password for your particular test case.

There are no aggregation limits on the mxbank institution, meaning that you can aggregate without worrying about the throttle window applied to other institutions.

mxbank is only available in our integration environment.

MX Bank Testing Scenarios

UsernamePassword (case sensitive)Connection StatusDescription
mxuserAny value not described below.CONNECTEDSuccessful aggregation with no MFA.
mxuserchallengeCHALLENGEDIssues an MFA challenge. Answer with correct to simulate a correct MFA response, or use one of the passwords below that simulate a server error. Use anything else to simulate an incorrect answer.
mxuseroptionsCHALLENGEDIssues an MFA challenge of the type OPTIONS. Answer with correct to simulate a correct MFA response, or use one of the passwords below that simulate a server error. Use anything else to simulate an incorrect answer.
mxuserimageCHALLENGEDIssues an MFA challenge of type IMAGE. Issues an MFA challenge. Answer with correct to simulate a correct MFA response, or use one of the passwords below that simulate a server error. Use anything else to simulate an incorrect answer.
mxuserBAD_REQUESTFAILEDExternal server returns a 400 error with the message, "You must fill out the username and password fields."
mxuserUNAUTHORIZEDDENIEDExternal server returns a 401 error with the message, "Invalid credentials."
mxuserINVALIDDENIEDExternal server returns a 401 error with the message, "The login and/or password are invalid."
mxuserLOCKEDLOCKEDExternal server returns a 401 error with the message, "The credentials are valid, but the user is locked."
mxuserDISABLEDDENIEDExternal server returns a 401 error with the message, "The credentials are valid, but the user is locked." This password may also be used as an MFA answer.
mxuserSERVER_ERRORFAILEDExternal server returns a 500 error with the message, "Internal server error." This password may also be used as an MFA answer.
mxuserUNAVAILABLEFAILEDExternal server returns a 503 error with the message, "Service is Unavailable." This password may also be used as an MFA answer.

Testing OAuth with MX Bank

We have a specific test institution for testing OAuth flows. You can only test OAuth flows in the integration environment with MX Bank (OAuth) (institution code: mx_bank_oauth).

When you select MX Bank (OAuth) from search, or load the Connect with it via current_institution_code. You should see the following screen before going to the OAuth provider:

Screenshot of oauth connection screen where you select continue.

Then you should end up on this page: Screenshot of oauth connection screen for authorization.

From here you can simply click “Authorize” to simulate authorizing and success paths, and “Deny” to simulate an error path.